!!! New Informations !!!

2025 the Youth Diving Meet will include the team event and the synchronized platform events

more information can be found under Competition Announcement

Save the Date:

23.04.2025 – 27.04.2025


The International Youth Diving Meet took place in Dresden for the first time in 2011. The competition is the biggest international comparison for athletes after the Junior World Championships.

Diving in Dresden has a long and successful tradition. The honor roll of successful Dresden divers illustrates the great international success over many decades. In one of the most modern diving halls in Europe this attractive event shows once again that not even international sports in Dresden has to hide behind the beautiful Dresden scenery.

You will find current information for the competition 2020 and reviews from the last years on this site.

We wish all our guests a wonderful and successful stay in Dresden.

Dresdner Sportclub 1898 e.V.